Air Force To

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Air Force Secretary Deborah James announced nine measures that she said were critical to ensuring the Air Force's success, such as a web-based mentoring system, longer deferrals for deployments after pregnancy, and a 30-percent target for the percentage of Air Force couldn't have scripted it any better. The Falcons set the tempo early by scoring three goals in the first 12:47 and never let up, dominating American International, 6-1 Friday to take the opener of this Atlantic Hockey Association best-of-three As U.S. Air Force fighter jets and bombers carry out airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Air Force officials are waging a campaign of their own on Capitol Hill. Sequestration cuts expected to take effect in 2016 that, officials say, will threaten U As program executive officer for business and enterprise systems (BES) and director of the BES directorate at Maxwell Air Force Base, Gunter Annex, Ala., Robert Carl "Shof" Shofner acts as the chief procurement officer for the Air Force's business and A retired one-star Air Force general who believes he was illegally denied his second star as a result of the 1996 attack on Khobar Towers plans to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to restore his promotion. "Following the Khobar Towers attack, I was unjustly SAN JOSE, Calif. - The San José State baseball team rode the right arm of senior Kalei Contrades to a 2-0 victory in the series opener over Air Force on Friday night at Municipal Stadium. The win was San José State's first Mountain West victory of the .

3/6/2015 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Force, with congressional authorization, will convert 18 primary combat-coded A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft from active units and place them into Backup-Aircraft Inventory (BAI) status with the 3/6/2015 - BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody met with the Airmen of Buckley and toured the base March 4-5 at Buckley Air Force Base, Colo. to thank the Airmen and their families and discuss the importance of Troubled by a lack of women and minorities at the Air Force's higher levels, its leaders are rolling out nine initiatives focusing on recruitment, promotions and retention. Some are new ideas. Others are existing programs that will be enhanced, Air Force Yesterday, the U.S. Air Force confirmed reports that on Feb. 3 a "catastrophic event" led to the destruction of a weather satellite. The satellite, previously used by the U.S. military, exploded into 43 pieces. The incident occurred after National Oceanic .

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